If you have only a month to live what are the things you would want to accomplish before finally accepting death and giving into his glory and divine power? Well, quite a difficult question to find answers to but I guess wanting something before dying is one way we can completely understand what this vicious cycle called life and death are all about. Here are the 10 things I would want before leaving this cruel world behind. You? What’s yours?
1) I want to finally make into reality (movie / film) the 15 legitimate and original scripts I’ve written in the last 7 years of my writing career.
2) I want the people around me to be independent over me so when my time comes it will not be difficult for them to move on with their lives.
3) I want to experience a real, complete and an accepting family I can call my own.
4) I want to be known as a respectable journalist who has done his part in promoting responsible journalism.
5) I want to somehow see my kid grow on whatever way into the person I am now, reluctant, accepting, generous and sensitive to the need of others.
6) I want to travel to Spain and Italy with my special someone.
7) I want to have my own casino and recreational park named after me.
8) I want to attend mass each and every day of my last remaining days on Earth.
9) I want to have sex with all the girls I’ve been masturbating to in the 20 years of my active sex life.
10) I want to smoke playing my guitar in an isolated virgin forest with only a single lamp accompanying me as I face my final judgment as a mortal being.