Tuesday, April 7, 2009

David Vs Goliath

       How will I start this one? Hmmm…ok I have nothing against him its just he’s the lucky guy. Honestly speaking, there’s no way I can be the man as he is to her now. Confused? What am I talking about? Well, see for yourself as I give you the 10 things why in this particular instance, Goliath is victorious over the little David!

1) He definitely is taller than I am.

2) His body is a lot better than mine that is for sure.

3) He maybe is sweeter than me.

4) She met him first.

5) They been a lot together compared to hours of conversation.

6) Looks? He’s better looking than me.

7) He knows exactly what makes her happy.

8) He’s willing and able I guess.

9) He changed her life completely.

10) Most importantly, she loves him.

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