Monday, November 24, 2008

Are You Ready To Propose?

        Proposing for that one special lady in your life for a lifetime commitment and getting a “yes” is probably the greatest moment a man could ever asked for in his quest for perpetual happiness.  But proposing at the right time and at the right place are two different things to consider when finally asking the magical question.  Breathe and relax your mind as we go through the dos and don’ts of proposing…the right way!

1) A conventional, cozy and a romantic restaurant setting is a thing of the past.  Find a place where both of you once shared an unforgettable experience. It can be in a place where you first met, in a library, under a tree, a park, and so on. Make sure it’s unique and not the usual.

2) It’s not the ring that matters; it’s how you deliver the question. Relax, breathe, compose yourself, enjoy the moment and when your finally comfortable, pop the magic question, “will you marry me.”

3) Look deep into her eyes, lock yourself to that very moment, set aside your doubts, and free your mind of fears. For sure the “yes” that you’ve been wanting to hear will come into reality.

4) Don’t propose because there’s a need for it or for just for any lousy reason. Stand like a gentleman and state clearly with conviction that yes I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you.

5) Proposing when drunk is a no no. It’s better to be sane when saying what you want and why you want it. Believe me it will work.

6) Its not enough that you have the ring and the confidence. Proper timing is very essential. Plan ahead and lay your cards on the line always. Know your special days, unforgettable months and occasions. Assess everything, weigh things and then decide when is the proper time to ask your girl for marriage.

7) Propose on your own. Don’t call friends, family and relatives to help you catch the big fish. You have your own net, so catch it yourself. Remember, doing it on your own makes it more romantic and personal.

8) Give her time to savor the moment. Don’t rush things. After popping the question, let her cry, react, smile, hug you or kiss you.  Just let her express herself first and after that believe me, everything will go your way.

9) Reliving happy moments, thoughts and events in your life before proposing is also a good choice. It’s important to control everything in this kind of situation. Try to smoothen things first before going for the kill. Women tend to not know what to say when they are surprised. So the best thing to do is to make them feel comfortable and be sensitive to their feelings.

10) Last tip, be sure you’re emotionally, financially and physically ready before asking your lady because you’ll never know, this night of proposing might just be the start of something new and different…so be ready!

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