Monday, November 17, 2008

Survival Game

         Surviving in the so called “man’s world” is tougher than you’ll ever think. The competition is rough and there are many restrictions to overcome to be able to survive and manage to live the next day. So if you think being a woman is harder, better think again because there’s no tougher environment than the environment we’re living in. So, here’s a list on “How I wish I wasn’t a man” line that pisses us off.

1) Clothes are scarce. We always end up on buying branded product just to be different.

2) Expectations are high. Since you’re the man in the house you should very well take care of everything.  You should act responsible, be the role model that you are and the refine individual that everyone aspires for. How the hell can we do that? Common! Get a life!

3) Men are not allowed to cry. For the love of God, we’re also human beings.

4) That men should always pay the bills. Shut up! Can we in some ways compromise things; we also have lots of financial obligations.

5) It’s always, “wait, don’t cum yet, I’ll cum first”. How pathetic! We also need to be aroused when we want…and the way we want it.

6) “If you want us to get married, then shoulder all the expenses”. What a self-centered beast! Can we just marry because you love me and set aside the monetary issues?

7) Men must have a fancy car to have it all. Oh yes it’s a given fact that women love cars but this is only what we can give you. It’s still a car, damn it take it or leave it!

8) Men should always be the one to plead and say his sorry even though it wasn’t his fault. Again, please be fair. We can’t explain everything especially if we don’t know what’s the real reason why we have to say our sorry.

9) If you smoke, drink and party hard, you’ll end up as nobody. Hell no! We’re as flexible and three dimensional as anyone else. We just know when to stop. We also have our limitations. So please don’t judge us that fast. We just know how to enjoy and still be successful.

10) Men are born polygamous. How condemnatory can you get? Of course we’re not. It’s just a matter of who is looking and how that person sees it. You’ll just have to accept the fact that we are easily aroused by our senses (eyes) but it doesn’t mean we’re having an affair or we don’t love you anymore. It stops there…after the appreciation, it’s over. Breathe, it will help!

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