Iskul Bukol is a defunct Philippine situational comedy show that was aired on the IBC 13 network in the 1977 through 1989. It stars the comedic trios of Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon. The show centered on the fictional Wanbol University. The show's theme song, also titled "Iskul Bukol", is sung to the tune of Elvis Presley's "All Shook Up."
* Tito Escalera (Tito Sotto) - One half of the Escalera brothers, who plots harebrained schemes in every episode.
* Joey Escalera (Joey De Leon) - The other Escalera sibling. Miss Tapia has a crush on him.
* Vic Ungasis (Vic Sotto) - the good-looking and smart teacher's pet with a chick-magnet personality. The Escaleras often pick on him during class.
* Miss Tapia (Mely Tagasa) - Wanbol University's resident professor who often gets on the Escalera brothers' nerves.
* Mang Temi (Bing Angeles) - the dark-complexioned operator of the university's cafeteria. His name is a play on the Filipino word "itim" (black or dark), rearranged the 70's Filipino way, "Tim-i" or "Tem-i," in the same manner as words in the vernacular are rearranged. Example: bath = ligo = go-li.
* Tonette Macho (Anthony Roquel) - the gay student who plays as bestfriend of the fairest girl in class. He is also the nemesis of the Escalera Brothers.
* Inang (Dely Atay-Atayan) - Vic's mother from the town of Tiaong, Quezon. Famous for her term of endearment "Bunsooyy!" whenever addressing Vic. The root word "bunso" is Tagalog for youngest child.
* Joey Anson (Joey Albert) - a student whom Vic likes.
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