Thursday, May 1, 2008

Gentle Caution

I dare you to come and bewildered
With my touch you’ll end up being shattered
Now I know without talking you’re flattered
Hold your ground before your life becomes cluttered

It just takes awhile for me to settle
Before I finally start any given battle
So if you’re brittle and a little subtle
Try not to fall prey for me and be gentle

Look into my eyes but don’t stare
I’m warning you so not to lose your flair
Because it’s important for me to be fair
With this gesture, I know you’d say I’m rare

When I talk try not to listen
With my sugary words you better fasten
Keep your thoughts clear so not to be mistaken
Because in the end you can be forsaken

With these ideas I’m leaving
Hurry up I’m late with my diving
So think again and look straight at your ceiling
Remember all these things before finally falling

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